Week 10
It is hard to believe that it is already the last day of Term 3! It has been an extremely busy term and all our children have worked really hard. We are enjoying seeing all the progress they are making in all areas of learning.
In our last week of term, we will be reviewing the sounds taught. We are also beginning to identify the sound at the end of the word. Sight words covered this year include, I, am, a, can, Mum, look, at, it, Dad, is, in, the, see, we, like and here.
We will be reviewing the numbers 1-15. Counting forwards and backwards 1-10 continue to be a focus. During our numeracy block, we also cover many measurement concepts (such as tall/short) and we have been reviewing ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd).
Learning Journey Afternoon - How Tall am I?
Thank you for attending your child's learning journey. The children have shown so much growth in their mathematical language skills and problem solving. We have been so proud of what they have achieved in our projects this term.
Dancing Lessons
Thank you to those that have returned dance permission slips and money. Dance lessons begin first day back next term. We return to school on Monday 11 October
Finally, this will be our last post on Blogger. Wattle Grove Primary School will be moving to Connect for school correspondence. Please check your login details so that you can stay up to date with what is happening in your child's classroom (from Term Four).